Saul Hertz, M.D.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Saul Hertz, M.D. website is to provide access to the contents of the original collection that will serve medical professionals in their research. The materials reflect and highlight the initial history of nuclear medicine.
Contact Us
All inquiries regarding materials should be sent to:
Barbara Hertz
6 Buckthorne Lane
Greenwich, CT 06830
htziev [at] aol [dot] com
Box 1: Personal Books of Saul Hertz
Oversized Box 1: Originals
Saturday Evening Post, April 10 1948
$3.40 Goiter Cure Involves Orange Juice, Iodine Isotope
The Harvard Crimson, June 17, 1946
The Harvard Crimson, May 24, 1949
Annoucement for Establisment of The Radioactive Isotope Research Institute, September 1946
The American Weekly, February 22 1946
The American Weekly, June 16, 1946
The American Weekly, New Foe of Leukemia
USA Today, Barbara Bush to have Thyroid Treatment
The Cleveland Press, April 30 1946
Boston Traveler, August 3 1949
The Courier Journal, May 1 1946
Letter from Massachusetts General Hospital to Edith Ryan
Oversized Box 2: Originals
Handwritten Data Chart Table 1 Cured: First Series, 29 Patients. March 31st 1941 - 1946
Handwritten Data Chart Table 1 Uncured: First Series, 29 Patients. March 31st 1941 - 1946
Draft of Original 29 Patient Charts
Patient #24 (9 Years Old) Documentation (Letters)
Patient #25 and 26 Documentation (Letters)
The Jewish Advocate Originals: May 23, 1946
The American Weekly Originals:
Boxes I-VII Reviewed Materials by ATA Historian, Dr. Clarke Sawin 1996
Copyright 2010 Saul Hertz MD. All rights reserved.